
What is CRC Protocol?

1.Fair Minting with PoW Method

The inscription market's popularity, in my view, hinges on one key thing: fairness. Unlike our token sale, which had no whitelist, reservations, or unlocking constraints, the EVM network has been witnessing a surge in different scripts and tools, slowly impacting fairness.

That's why we're suggesting a minting model that's fair and based on Proof of Work (PoW). Deployers can freely set and tweak the token issuance difficulty. Our goal is to level the playing field for every CPU, so even tech-savvy developers would need hefty server resources and might not have an edge over regular users.

2.Reducing User Complexity

The inscription market has been put through its paces and gained quite the user following for its way of creating tokens via blockchain inscriptions. But as the community grows and projects multiply, things in the inscription protocol are getting a bit more complicated.

So, we've got this idea we're calling the "impossible triangle": indexers, protocol complexity, and user understanding. The more complex the protocol gets, the tougher it gets for users to wrap their heads around it. Like with the IERC20 protocol, sure, you've got the basic stuff like deploy, minting, and transfer - pretty straightforward for most folks. But then there's the trickier Freeze sell and Proxy Transfer. Even if you can guess what these do, making a secure transfer means really getting into the nitty-gritty of how they work.

We're not fans of all this complexity. Our main deal is keeping things simple for users, so we're all about simplifying the protocol big time. Sure, it might mean more work for indexers, but we reckon it's worth it. We're hoping service providers step up, making things super simple and hassle-free for users.

3.Unique Charging Model

Sure, having no whitelist, reservations, or unlocking restrictions sounds good on paper. But the hitch is, those tokens could end up just being meme tokens without anyone bothering to amp up their worth. So, here's our bright idea: let's charge a teeny-tiny fee while keeping the token distribution fair. The aim? To nudge project builders into adding more oomph to their projects.

Now, you might wonder, what if there's a goof-up with the indexer dealing with heaps of computing? Our response: Let's craft a decentralized indexer. That's our fix, and it's part of our roadmap.

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